We now have available one of the best voice over specialists in Wichita to do your voice message, commercial, or radio voice over. Her name is Ailey and she is amazing. For a sample of her voice, you can email voiceovers@residualrank.com and put Voiceover Samples in the headline.
We provide high-quality business intro or explainer videos done by Wichita’s best videographer, Ailey can provide the voice over unless you have your own.
About Voice Over Acting
Voice acting is the art of performing voice-overs or providing voices to represent a character or to provide information to an audience or user. Examples include animated, off-stage, off-screen, or non-visible characters in various works, including feature films, dubbed foreign language films, animated short films, television programs, commercials, radio, or audio dramas, comedy, video games, puppet shows, amusement rides, audiobooks, and documentaries. Voice acting is also done for small handheld audio games.
Performers are called voice actors or actresses, voice artists, or voice talent. Their roles may also involve singing, although a second voice actor is sometimes cast as the character’s singing voice. Voice acting is recognized in Britain as a specialized dramatic profession, chiefly owing to the BBC’s long tradition of radio drama.
Voice artists are usually also used to record the individual sample fragments played back by a computer in an automated announcement.
Source: Wiki on Voiceovers